Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Joys and Not So Joys of Joy School

I was asked by a couple of girls in my ward if I would like to do Joy School with Alta.  Sounded like a great plan to me.  We have such a huge ward and I thought that it would be a great opportunity to meet some new ladies and for Alta to play with some other kids her age.  There are 7 kids involved,  all roughly the same ages give or take 3 months.  Alta LOVES it.  The first week I was asked to help out my friend who was in charge that week.  Man, was I tired.  7  2 year olds, all with different interests, different mannerisms and different running speeds.  I thought to myself, "What the heck have I done?"  Well, it has been about a month and it was nearing my week to be in charge.  I had so enjoyed dropping Alta off at someone else's house and picking her up 2 hours later, I didn't think I was too excited for my turn.  As you can see, it turned out pretty good.  I was happy that the majority of the kids loved to do dress-up.  I am the only mom with both girls and boys so we had clothes for everyone.   Alta was very excited for her "friends" to come to our house.
What would Joy School be with a bus ride (chair ride...the kids didn't know the difference).  Kids this age can be sooo much fun.  I wonder everyday where the time goes.  I have realized that I don't want to wonder anymore.  I want to cherish each day and then start over the next.

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